
I have created this website for those of you who are seeking professional support for children struggling with reading, writing and math at the elementary school level.
I completed my undergraduate degree in Teaching English as a Second Language (Concordia University, 2006) and become increasingly intrigued by and passionate about supporting students who struggle with reading, writing and mathematics. Therefore, my experience over the past eight years has almost exclusively been with students who are considered at-risk or special needs students.
Did you know that our brains did not evolve to read? If a child struggles to read or has difficulty succeeding academically, in most cases, it is not because the child has failed but that the system has failed the child because it fails to make learning accessible due to incomplete teacher training, lack of resources and adequate interventions.
Recently, I completed a Master’s Degree in educational psychology at McGill University (2021) as I became very interested to know the neurological underpinnings of reading. I expanded my knowledge base under the supervision of Dr. Gigi Luk, a former Harvard professor whose exceptional expertise is based on her versatile background in psychology, education and neuroscience which empowered me to assess and design approaches that are consistent with recent findings in cognitive neuroscience.
I have also attended a graduate seminar on mathematical cognition led by Dr. Adam Dube and participated in his lab as I evaluated math apps in Apple Store against benchmarks such as various types of support and feedback for students. My thesis was on the importance of highlighting the algebraic structures of arithmetic. Simply put, I found that if educators make students aware of structures in numbers, students are more likely to grasp the extremely complex concept of place value, which is directly related to exponential notation and algebra, more easily.
There is nothing in the world I would rather do than help struggling students as I feel that their confidence and self-esteem, which are easily destroyed but very hard to build, crumble under the pressure and shame of not being able to succeed.